Doris Lloyd looking at obituary collection Center for Southeast Louisiana |
Losing a family member, relative, friend can be emotional time and the personal who is making the arrangements thoughts can be somewhat cloudy. Your family members are under a lot of stress at the loss and will be overwhelmed with your final arrangement. Writing your own obituary can help reduce some of the stress.
For people who are very organized this is part of their files. I know one person whom wrote their own obituary. "Mrs. Alma Harrison Vernon," when she passed away her daughter honored her mother's wishes and used the obituary that her mother had written. Jim Rebhorn wrote his own obituary, he wrote in the third person, he explains how each one of his family members loved him.
You should leave your obituary with your insurance policy so that it can easily be found. Often times the person who are writing your obituary may leave out facts and things that you want people to know and remember about you.
Writing your obituary you get to chose what you want said, who you want as the pallbearers and
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Celebration of Life Mary J. Daniels |
Whatever I can do to make it easier on my love ones at the time of my death is what I want to do. It is also a way of taking charge of your own life story. After all it is your life story and you should tell it. Think about it "What would the person who is writing your obituary say?" They can't possibly know more than you. Besides if there is a wish that you want to see carried out write it in your obituary.
If there are any special instructions for your services put it in your files with your obituary and make sure you talk with the person(s) who will be charged of your arrangement and a person who you know will follow your instructions.
Something funny I want to share, "I was talking with my friends and I told them not to dress me in
In lieu of flowers, donate the money to a charitable organization of my choice " Gathering of Hearts," because so many people are in need and I can't see the sense of spending money on flower that will die. Providing for those in need is where I want the money to be spent.
Wow, I'm leaving instructions in this blog. Its beautiful when you can face the day that most people are afraid of. Of course I want to live a long but healthy life like everyone else. But let's face it each of must face that day. More people are writing their own obituary. So get started on writing your own obituary and place it in our files.