Saturday, December 5, 2015

St. Helena Property and Historic Significance-Blanche Williams Place

Blanche Williams Place
Henry William Johnson, a Negro farmer, miller, and builder, built his house, perhaps about 1900. It is well built, central-hall house with a built in porch, boxes cornices (front and rear), 4 by 6 in, porch posted with built-up capitals and key-holes notches at their bases, and a hood on three sides of the porch. It is of boards-and-battens; it had beaded siding under the gallery; it had one 6/6 window into each pen; its loft is finished; its one chimney is on the right.

The kitchen ell-now in ruin-also has a chimney.
This is a remarkable house, all things considered.

Recorded by M.B. Newton, Jr.
Date: May 15, 1981
For: Comprehensive Planning Assoc.
Devision of Archaeology and Historic Preservation