State of Louisiana
Parish of Tangipahoa
Before the undersigned (?) appeared Charles Daggs, Emanuel Daggs, who being duly sworn according to the law (?) that he was employee by J.P. Harrison when he went for his pay he Harrison refused to pay him. Daggs was running for office and that his life was not worth it and said he would never give him any more work, because Daggs voted the (?) ticket and had been working (?)
said Harrison interest for five years
Jackson Stapleton told me that Mr. J.P. Harrison said that if Stapleton voted the Republican ticket he Stapleton would be taking bread out of his children mouth and after receiving this information he Stapleton refused to vote the Republican ticket.
Charles Daggs
Sworn to before me by said Charles Daggs, and by him subsribed in my presence this 7th day of December 1872.