Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Scranton and Emma Jones Harrell of Dodge, Georgia Lineage

Robert Harrell, Jr.
I met Robert Harrell, Jr.,  several years ago through social media. Robert family lineage run deep in  Dodge County, Georgia. He traced his great great grandfather Scranton Harrell back to 1868. He was married to
Penny and they had four sons. 

Robert's grandfather was named Scranton Harrell he was born around 1879. In 1930 they were living in Dodge, Georgia.  They owned their home, Scranton was a farmer and owned his own farm. He and his wife Emma were the parents of; Scranton, Robert, Isaac, Mattie, and Mandy.

Harrell-Jone & Related Families will be held in Atlanta, Georgia on August 1-3, 2017. The event is being hosted by the descendants of Scranton and Emma Jones Harrell and related families. Scranton was the grandson of Scranton and Emma Harrell and the son of Anthony & Mattie Yarborough. Emma was the daughter of Robert and Ellen Jones.

Robert publish a quarterly newsletter entitled " The Times Harrell" Family Newsletter "Our Roots Deep," is committed publishing an educational edition by early August. His prior editions only focused on current educational activities. However, his future issues will also include news on continuing college students and any noteworthy achievements of youth at any level.

Scranton and Emma Jone Harrell Marriage License