Friday, December 20, 2019

The Richardson and Gordon Clan of Amite, Louisiana

Photo Courtesy
Glynis Vernon Gordon
This picture is truly a treasure for the Richardson and Gordon family. They're all first cousins and the offsprings of  sister and brother; Alexander Richardson and Alma Mandy Richardson Gordon. They all was at the fifty wedding anniversary of their parents. Uncle Willie and Aunt Mandy celebrated their golden anniversary with Uncle Alex and Aunt Melissa. Eleven of them as now past on. Only one person in this photograph is living. 

First Row: Left to Right
Barbara Gordon, Helenstine Richardson Williams, Earl Lee Richardson, James E. Gordon, Joseph Richardson

Middle Row: Left to Right
Man in the black suit unknown, Pete Richardson, Frank Gordon, Samuel Richardson, Darnell Richardson

Back Roll: Left to Right
Willie K. Gordon Jr., Walter Richardson, Sr., Nathaniel Richardson.