Friday, November 22, 2019

DNA Test Results Revealed Our Grandmothers Were Sisters

DNA Test Connected Cousins
A couple days ago a lady named Georgia Marie Strickland message me about a DNA result. She said that our grandmothers' were sisters. I know my maternal grandmother's sisters. So I immediately thought that this had to a connection on my father 's side of the family. I didn't know anything about my paternal grandparents or great-grandparents. Only what I found on the United States Census. I started researching my maternal grandmother Mary McKay Boykins and found a lot about her family. She was from Pike County, Mississippi. He parents were Charlie and Florence Williams McKay.

My great-grandmother Florence parents were; Alex and Rebecca Williams. Her sibling were; Jerry, Ada, Amanda, and Rosa L. Williams. Georgia Marie Strickland is the granddaughter of Rosa. Rosa was the youngest of Alex and Rebecca children. She was born in 1898 in Amite County, Mississippi and died in McComb, Mississippi in 1986. 

Florence was born in 1884 and died in 1966. I was very happy to see that we connected through DNA.