Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Preserving My Electronic External Hard Drives and Electronics Files During A Natural Disaster

Preserving Electronic Files

Genealogists, historians, and others who specialize in  the study of genealogy and history can tell you that our main concern in the event of a disaster would be to preserve our files of photographs, documents, and videos. The loss of these files can be devastating and can rarely be replaced most of the time. Protecting my electronic files is an important part of my preparation for any natural disaster.  There is no better time than now to prepare for a natural disaster. A natural disaster of some kind will unfortunately be a part of our lives again the future. 

Start right away to place those precious family photographs, videos, and family heirlooms in water-proof containers and ensure they are located in a location where you can reach them quickly if you need to move them. Furniture and other household items can be replaced if necessary. Unfortunately, you may not be able to replace the only picture of your great grandfather or other family members. It is essential that you making preserving these priceless items a priority.

In general, I'm  a person who believes in recycling for the most part. Several month ago, I bought a set of new sheets and used the plastic container to store  al my external drives and other electronic files. Having all the flies in one container would make moving them easier and faster. You should always be prepared for hurricane season if you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, you often hear people describe how devastated they were to lose all their photographs and family heirlooms. In spite of the recent natural catastrophe, there are valuable lessons we can take from it. 

Among the ways I preserve images and videos is to share them on my family's social media sites and blog posts. My heart breaks for anyone who had lost those cherished family photographs of special occasions and special events.  

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